Bees, Wasps, Sawflies and Ants (order Hymenoptera)
Taxonomic classification categories are valid according to
the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).
Information about Hymenoptera species history is based on Grimaldi and Engel (2005).
Some of the classifications below are "under study" and taxonomy changes in general are constantly changing as their genomes are analyzed; this page might not be up-to-date. I got some great expert help with bee and wasp identification from
John S. Ascher, who also reviewed the changes I made under his
direction to make sure they were right. Even then, there is some chance of
error, and I claim full responsibility for it.
There are basically three types of Hymenopterans: sawflies, parasitoid wasps, and stinging insects, i.e., bees, ants, and some wasps. The organization of this page is based on Peters et al (2017).
The general consensus is that bees (unlike wasps) are a
monophyletic group, meaning that they come from a certain
common ancestor: bees are more closely related than the various wasps, and
are more closely related to some wasps than are other wasps. Most bee
species are solitary bees, i.e., all females of those species are designed to
Web-spinning (adult) and Leaf-rolling (larvae) Sawflies (family Pamphiliidae, superfamily Pamphiloidea)
The Symphyta suborder taxon is no longer applied to sawflies, which are no longer considered to be a monophyletic group.
The Pamphiliidae family first appeared about 190 million years
ago, during the Jurassic Period, 40 million years before Pangaea, the original
continent, started to break up, according to Grimaldi
and Engel (2005).
Web-spinning Sawfly, Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 6/7/06. According to
John S. Ascher,it is an Onycholyda
amplecta. See
BugGuide page.
Web-spinning Sawfly (Onycholyda amplecta), Pettigrew State Park,
Washington County, NC, 4/28/09
Poison Ivy Sawfly (Arge humeralis), Durham, NC, 6/9/22. It had been visiting poison ivy plants.
Argid sawfly, Durham, NC, 5/22/16. Possibly a foreshortened Arge abdominalis.
Sawfly (Arge genus. quidia or scapularus species), Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 5/21/09.
Genus ID and limitation of species ID possibilities thanks to
Dave Smith.
Sawfly (Arge
humeralis), Ft. Fisher Basin Trail, New Hanover County, NC, 8/12/11
We don't usually think of wasps as being especially
beautiful, but this family has more than its share of bright colors and striking
patterns. What these parasitoids do to their prey is not, however:
Charles Darwin is said to have cited them in particular in his remarks to botanist Asa Gray
about how his faith in God's goodness was tested by the torment that these animals inflicted.
Ichneumoninae subfamily
Ichneumon Wasp (Cratichneumon
Durham, NC 9/16/06 Subfamily Ichneumoninae, tribe Ichneumonini. Taken at night. ID thanks to Bob Carlson
Ichneumon wasp (Ichneumon genus),
Durham, 10/29/05
Pimplinae subfamily
Ichneumon wasp (Ephialtini tribe,
Pimplinae subfamily), Durham, NC, 11/9/13. Tribe ID thanks to Bob Carlson. My best genus and species guess: Scambus hispae.
Ichneumon wasp (Dolichomitus irritator),
Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve, Southern Pines,
Moore County, NC, 10/23/12. Species ID confirmed by Ken Wolgemuth. In the Pimplinae subfamily and Ephialtini tribe.
Ichneumonid wasp, Pimplinae subfamily, Camp Taylor, Marin County, CA,
8/4/07, Subfamily ID thanks to Ross Hill.
Phygadeuontinae subfamily
Parasitoid wasp (Gelis genus), Durham, NC, 9/23/20. Winglessness is apparently a function of the time of year, when such wasps stay on the ground. ID thanks to John Rosenfeld.
Ophioninae subfamily
Short-tailed ichneumon wasp (Ophion genus,
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve,
Durham County, NC, 4/5/06. Genus ID thanks to Ross Hill.
Oak gall wasp (Disholcaspis genus), Durham, NC, 2/21/21. But little information exists on the appearance of gall wasps of any species, since pictures of galls dominate its coverage. ID thanks to Adam Kranz.
Oak gall wasp (Disholcaspis genus?), Durham, NC, 12/17/21
Oak gall wasp (Biorhiza caepulaeformis, Cynipini tribe). ID thanks to Adam Kranz.
The Vespidae family evolved about 140 million years ago.
Vespinae subfamily
European Hornet (Vespa crabro)
Three European Hornets eating sap leaking from a tree root, Durham, NC, 7/20/23
Two European Hornets eating sap leaking from a tree root, Durham, NC, 7/20/23
European Hornet, Jordan Lake Gamelands, Chatham County, NC, 9/27/19
European Hornet, Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC,
Yellow Jacket (Vespula vulgaris)
Female Yellow Jacket , Durham, NC, 1/14/13
Yellow Jackets mating,
Durham, NC, 11/20/08.
Male Yellow Jacket. Note how the male's abdominal markings differ from those of the female:
the male is mostly yellow, while the female is mostly black.
The Pompilidae evolved about 105 million years ago.
(Psorthaspis mariae), Falls Lake Dam area, 9/11/10. It successfully mimicked a velvet ant in its
Spider wasp, very
active but with a wing problem. Third Fork Creek Trail, Durham,
NC, 7/18/11
Spider Wasp (Arachnospila genus), Johnston's Mill, Orange County, NC, 2/3/06
Spider Wasp in action, Eno River SP, Old
Cole Mill Road access, Orange County, NC, 4/28/06. This wasp
dragged this spider at least five feet while I watched.
Spider wasp
attempting to drag a spider across pavement, Durham, NC, 5/13/08
Velvet Ants (family Mutillidae,
superfamily Pompiloidea, (unranked) Aculeata, suborder Apocrita)
These are parasitoids, i.e., females parasitize bee larvae by laying eggs on them.
They are generally considered to be wasps because of their behavior but their
superfamily name implies that
they aren't very distant relatives of ants! The Cowkiller is named for its
nasty sting, one informally hypothesized to be bad enough to kill a cow.
The Mutillidae family evolved relatively recently, about
45-70 million years ago.
Velvet ant (Sphaeropthalma pensylvanica). ID thanks to Jordan Gesell. Durham, NC, 6/7/15
Velvet ant (Timulla vagans), Durham, NC, 7/25/22
Velvet Ant
(Timulla vagans). The extra abdominal ring is an artifact of
photography. Third Fork Trail, Durham, NC, 7/14/11
Female Velvet Ant (Dasymutilla
quadriguttata), White
Pines Nature Preserve, Chatham County, NC, 4/16/06. ID thanks to George Waldren.
Perhaps a Cowkiller, a velvet ant which is normally red and black. It was
hunched over, trying to hide. NOTE: the two small white spots which
appear to be on this insect's back are actually on the ground: it has a
typically skinny wasp waist. Carolina Beach State Park, 9/18/07
Velvet ant
(Pseudomethoca simillima), Durham, NC, 9/26/11
Scoliid wasp
(Scolia nobilitata) on
Common Sneezeweed. ID thanks to Brian Bockhahn.
Wasp (Scolia
nobilitata), Durham, NC, 7/12/08. NOTE: The ITIS does not list the species nobilitata.
Scoliid wasp (Scolia nobilitata), Durham, NC, 6/9/22
(Scolia dubia), Greenville, Pitt
County, NC, 9/20/08
Wasp (Campsomeris plumipes), Fayetteville, NC, 7/16/08. This was a big
wasp, about an inch long.
Photo by Kathryn Cox.
(Campsomeris genus), Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve,
Southern Pines, Moore County, NC, 10/31/14
Scoliid wasp (Dielis plumipesfossulana), Carolina Beach State Park, New Hanover County, NC, 4/2/14. ID thanks to Jonathan Hoskins
Ants (family Formicidae, superfamily Formicoidea, (unranked) Aculeata, suborder Apocrita
Ants communicate with one another
using pheromones, organic compounds which range from simple hydrocarbons called
unbranched alkanes to somewhat more
complex alkenes, each containing an oxygen atom.
The Formicidae family evolved about 140 million years ago.
Slavemaking Ants (Formica subintegra,
Formicinae subfamily)
Slavemaking ant
(Formica subintegra), carrying Formica subsericea ant captive. ID
thanks to James C. Trager. One of a fast-moving colony.
Small Ants (Nylanderia Faisonensis, subfamily Formicinae)
Leaving a rather flat
watering can on its side and turning it over every few days can produce
surprising revelations of what normally goes on underground.
Ant larvae are unusual in that their limbs and wings are still developing (and
somewhat visible), and the pupa stage in this species seems to be a
brown-colored later part of the larva stage. These ants quickly returned
underground afterwards.
You can see
some brown pupae; the one on the right has adult features showing
through. However, you can see developing legs on the white larvae.
Winged ants,
also walking on larvae.
Yellow Ants (Acanthomyops
interjectus, tribe Lasiini, subfamily
Winged Yellow Ants, Durham, 5/31/06. The queens are brown, while the
workers are yellow.
These winged Yellow Ants came up out of the ground, crawled up
plants in this meadow and flew into the air. Southern Village, Orange
County, NC, 11/13/07
Yellow Ant, with a red parasite egg on its right hind leg
Winged ant being
attacked by a tiny wasp? Carolina Beach State Park, New Hanover
County, NC, 3/9/10
Carpenter Ants (Camponotus genus, Camponotini tribe, Formicinae subfamily)
Black Carpenter Ant (Camponotus pennsylvanicus) tending aphids,
Durham, NC, 4/25/08. This ant was actually horizontal in the
photo: rotation in the thumbnail is due to a glitch in the software.
No common name (Pseudomyrmex ejectus, Pseudomyrmecini tribe, Pseudomyrmecinae subfamily)
Ant (Pseudomyrmex ejectus), Durham, NC, 2/25/21
Unknown Ants
Johnston's Mill, Orange County, NC, 2/3/06. This
ant was wandering around rocks in New Hope Creek.
Worker ant subduing a winged termite, Occoneechee Mountain
Natural Area, Orange County, NC, 4/9/06
Eremnophila aureonotata, mating pair, Durham, 7/28/03. Thanks to Josh Rose
for genus and species ID.
Prionyx genus
Thread-waisted wasp (Prionyx genus, Prionchini tribe, Sphecinae subfamily), Greenville, Pitt County, NC, 9/20/08
Palmodes genus
Thread-waisted Wasp (Palmodes dimidiatus), perhaps
resting. Ft. Fisher Basin Trail, New Hanover County, NC, 5/24/11.
Digger Wasps(Sphex genus)
Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus), Durham, NC, 9/22/21
Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus), Durham, NC, 8/20/22
Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus), Durham, NC, 8/11/22
Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex icheumoneus), Durham, NC, 7/1/19, digging near the entrance of its nest in the ground.
Great Black Digger Wasp (Sphex pensylvanicus), Durham, NC, 8/14/22
Digger wasp (Sphex jamaicensis) about to enter nest, Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel, Lee County, FL, 2/23/19. ID thanks to Ken Wolgemuth.
Another digger wasp (Sphex jamaicensis) struggling against leaf to get into nest, Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel, Lee County, FL, 2/23/19
Golden-reined Digger Wasp (Sphex habenus), Durham, NC, 8/20/21
Black and Yellow Mud Dauber Wasp (Sceliphron caementarium)
Black and Yellow Mud Dauber Wasp (Sceliphron caementarium) digging a hole at Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC, 6/15/17
Many members of this group are tiny solitary bees much
smaller than honeybees. Solitary bees are those whose females
are all genetically capable of reproducing. They are frequently found together with
Large Bee Flies (Bombylius major), which parasitize their larvae. Social
bees, those that live in colonies that each rely on a single queen bee for
reproduction, include the Honeybees, Bumblebees, Stingless Bees (not pictured),
and some Sweat Bees (which have small colonies and minimal size differences
between queens and workers).
Bees may not be the most common pollinators, but they are
the most significant economically because they are the most efficient, in part
because of their special pollen-gathering hairs and "pollen baskets" which carry
large amounts of pollen.
Performing formal identifications of
solitary bees from photos is hard because they are so closely related, and
therefore such identifications depend heavily on very small details, such as
wing venation. In some cases one can distinguish the long-tongued bees (the Megachilidae and the familiar Apidae) from the short-tongued bees (the
Colletidae, Halictidae, Andrenidae, Strenotridae, and Melittidae) by the types
of flowers that they visit.
John S. Ascher, Ph.D. provided identifications and background
information for a large proportion of the bees and wasps pictured below, making
a major contribution to the quality of this website. If errors
remain, however, they may represent mistakes I have made in my interpretation of
the information he has offered.
Bee Phylogeny at Cornell University provides detailed
descriptions of recent bee phylogeny research using morphological, DNA, and
fossil data.
These are short-tongued bees, which these photos
illustrate: they prefer composite flowers and "flat" individual ones.
They are called "sweat bees" because of their reputation for landing on people
and drinking their sweat.
Some of these bees are social, living in small colonies,
i.e., with less than a dozen members. There is a lot of diversity in this
respect, so they are of special interest to evolutionary biologists.
Maybe a sweat bee, Durham, NC, 8/28/18
Sweat Bee (Augochlorini
tribe), Eno River SP, Old Cole Mill
Road access, 5/29/05. This green bee is one of the most
obvious members of this family; however, most Halictidae are not green,
although they are less hairy than other bees.
Sweat bee (Augochlorini
tribe), Indian Creek Trail,
a Jordan Lake Game Land, Chatham County, NC, 7/7/06
Halictid bee (subgenus
Dialictus, Lasioglossum genus, Halictini tribe, Halictinae subfamily), Indian Creek Wildlife Observation Trail,
County, NC, 4/5/06. This flower was about
⅓ inch across.
Female Halictid
bee (Lasioglossum genus), White Pines Nature Preserve, Chatham
County, NC, 4/16/06. This bee was about
¼ inch long. The tiny fly was barely
visible to me without the camera's magnifying lens.
Halictid bee (Lasioglossum
genus, Durham, 5/3/05.
Sweat bee, Moses Cone Memorial Park,
Watauga County, NC, 8/8/06
Sweat bee, Moses Cone Memorial Park,
Watauga County, NC, 8/8/06
Sweat bee, Moses Cone Memorial Park,
Watauga County, NC, 8/8/06
Female Halictid Bees (Agapostemon virescens),
Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC, 7/31/06.
These are short-tongued bees solitary bees, although they
apparently build their nests in holes in the ground close to one another in the
early spring when pollen is first available. As is the case with all
flower-visiting bees, they have long hairs over many parts of their bodies.
Andrena genus, Penny's Bend, Durham County, NC, 3/16/06.
This was a member of a very fast-moving cluster of bees near the ground on a wooded
trail. This bee seemed ill or injured, otherwise this photo would
have been impossible to take! This bee was about
½ inch long.
Plasterer Bee (Colletes
thoracicus), Durham, NC, 3/9/07.
This bee wandered onto the asphalt path, apparently unable to fly
because of what seemed to be clay on its thorax.
Two Plasterer Bees (Colletes
thoracicus), Durham, NC, 3/18/09
These are long-tongued bees, able to visit longer, skinnier
flowers. Members of the Megachile genus do the leaf-cutting, as
shown in the first two photos. Some of these bees are actually parasites
and are therefore not either masons or leafcutters; however, since they share
this characteristic with members of other families, this description is not
included in the accepted common name for this family.
Leafcutter Bees (Megachile genus)
There was a large group of such bees in the
location I found those two, mostly hidden under a clump of wild grape vines,
buzzing very loudly. Note the yellow pollen pocket on the abdomen
underside, a unique Megachilid characteristic.
Leafcutter bee
(Megachile genus) on an aster at the North Carolina Zoo, Asheboro, NC,
Leafcutter bee on ironweed, Durham, NC, 9/30/15
Leafcutter bee (Megachile genus), apparently in the process of
leaf-cutting at the Eno River State Park, Durham County, NC, 8/17/08 in a power line cut.
Female Megachilid bee (Megachile genus) on a Purple False Foxglove, Carolina Beach State Park, New Hanover
County, NC, 10/13/06
Megachilidbee (Megachile xylocopoides, family Megachilidae), Carolina Beach State Park, New Hanover County, NC, 10/19/05.
Unlike the other bees on this page, this one was large, perhaps an inch
long. Thanks to Eric Eaton for ID info.
Megachile texana,
Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 7/12/10. ID
thanks to John S. Ascher.
These are kleptoparasites or "cuckoo" bees, i.e., they lay
their eggs in other Megachilidae family members' nests to be raised by
unsuspecting adults.
Bee (Coelioxys
mexicana), Buccaneer State Park, Waveland, Hancock County, MS, 10/15/10.
First expert-identified photo of this species on BugGuide, on this page.
Female Megachilid bee (Coelioxys
modesta), NC Botanical Garden, 7/2/05.
Thanks to Eric Eaton for ID.
These female Nomada genus bees are long-tongued bees.
According to Dr. John S. Ascher, most Nomada species are kleptoparasites of bees in the genus Andrena, laying their eggs in Andrena nests, while other Nomada species are
cleptoparasites of bees in the Agapostemon genus.
Cuckoo Bee
(Nomada ruficornis), North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel
Hill, Orange County, NC, 4/23/15
Cuckoo Bee (Nomada ruficornis), Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County,
NC, 4/22/09. ID thanks to John S. Ascher. Full ID: BugGuide page.
Nomad bee (Nomada articulata), Durham, NC, 6/9/22
Nomad bee (Nomada articulata), Penny's Bend Nature Preserve,
Durham County, NC, 4/20/07. This bee was in frantic motion.
Nomad bee (Nomada articulata), Penny's Bend Nature
Preserve, Durham County, NC, 5/7/07.
Triepeolus genus
Cuckoo bee
(Triepeolus genus). Tip of the tongue is
visible. Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 9/19/11