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November 2017

National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, TX  11/30/17

Brown Longtail (Urbanus procne) Tawny Emperor (Asterocampa clyton) Carolina Satyr Common or white checkered skipper Common Mestra


Dainty Sulphur Same Dainty Sulphur Clubtail Great-tailed Grackle pair Great-tailed Grackle and Green Jay


Green Jays Same Green Jays Inca Dove Another Inca Dove  


Little Yellow Mexican Bluewing Another Mexican Bluewing. ID confirmed by David J. Ferguson. Monarch Queen


Queen Queen Queen Queens Red Admiral


Mystery skipper Southern Dogface Texas Crescent Tropical Checkered Skipper White Peacock

McAllen, Hidalgo County, TX  11/30/17

Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak Same butterfly Checkered skipper Male House Sparrow in breeding plumage Same House Sparrow


Mallow Scrub Hairstreak Mimosa Yellow Moth Vesta Crescent  

McAllen, Hidalgo County, TX  11/29/17

American Snout on a bike Cassius Blue Same Cassius Blue Fiery Skipper Large Orange Sulphur


Male Whirlabout        

Durham, NC  11/28/17

Jumping plant louse (Cacopsylla brevistigmata) Jumping spider Flower fly (Toxomerus genus) Crab spider  

Durham, NC  11/25/17

White-throated Sparrow Tiny parasitoid wasp Running crab spider Long-jawed orb weaver Jumping spider


Jumping plant louse (Cacopsylla brevistigmata), which succumbed, probably from a recent hard freeze Humpbacked Orb Weaver Bug Tiny beetle Same tiny beetle


Small aster Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle      

Durham, NC  11/22/17

Jumping spider Maybe a young crab spider (Xysticus?) Spider wasp    

Durham, NC  11/19/17

Chipping Sparrow Same Chipping Sparrow Florida Predatory Stink Bug Mourning Doves  

Durham, NC  11/18/17

Aphids Two aphids interacting Freshly emerged Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle.  Interesting commentary about this, with Joel Kits' suggestion that this insect might be a representative of a (permanently) spotless variation of this species. Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle with aphid prey Assassin bug (Zelus genus)


Tiny beetle Tiny mating beetles True bug Dwarf spider Tiny orb weaver


Jumping spider (Phidippus genus) Same jumping spider Same jumping spider (weird processing) Wasp Antmimic jumping spider


Aphid Another aphid      

Durham, NC  11/17/17

Probably a Ruby-crowned Kinglet Same Ruby-crowned Kinglet Same Ruby-crowned Kinglet, hiding behind wild grapes Same Ruby-crowned Kinglet, peeking at me Maybe an Arabesque Orb Weaver


Female Red-winged Blackbird Song Sparrow at the pond Song Sparrow at the marsh Same Song Sparrow Same Song Sparrow


Tiny parasitoid wasp Female Northern Cardinal Flea beetle Same flea beetle  

Durham, NC  11/13/17

Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle Asian Multi-colored Beetle larva Tiny beetle, Crepidodera genus, in Galerucinae.  ID thanks to Margarethe Brummermann, confirmed by Blaine Mathison. Flower fly  


Ichneumon wasp Jumping plant louse (Psyllidae family), maybe Cacopsylla brevistigmata Jumping spider Jumping spider (Eris militaris) Another jumping spider


Jumping spider (Hentzia palmarum) Another jumping spider Same jumping spider Another jumping spider Larva (Syrphidae family)


Larva (Syrphidae family) Leafhopper and Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle larva Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle larva investigating a Japanese Maple Leafhopper Leafhopper (Graphocephala versuta)  


Japanese Maple Leafhopper (Japanus hyalinus).  ID thanks to Randy Emmitt. Another (tiny) leafhopper Marbled Orb Weaver Same Marbled Orb Weaver Tiny orb weaver (possibly Yunohamella lyrica, according to John and Jane Balaban.


Spider Running crab spider? Stink bug Tiny wasp Fly pupa (maybe Syrphidae family)


Aphid with shadow Another aphid      

North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, Wake County, NC  11/10/17

Dark-eyed Junco Another Dark-eyed Junco      

Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, Wake County, NC  11/10/17

American Lady Crocus Flower flies Flower fly Monarch


Monarch Moth Painted Lady Another Painted Lady Same Painted Lady


Painted Lady Red passionflower Another red passionflower Passionvines with red flowers  


Pink Muhly Grass Flower      

Durham, NC  11/3/17

Antmimic jumping spider Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle larva Assassin bug (Zelus genus) Tiny beetle Handsome Meadow Katydid


Jumping spider (Attidops youngi, female) Larger jumping spider Tiny jumping spider Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle Tiny beetle


Tiny beetle Ash Seed Weevil (genus Lignyodes)      

North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, NC 11/2/17

Yellow-rumped Warbler Same Yellow-rumped Warbler Carolina Anole Another Carolina Anole Same Carolina Anole


Asphodel family flowers Clouded Skipper Flower fly Flower fly Flower fly


Young American Robin Clouded Skipper Wasp iMow robot  


Copyright © 2017 by Dorothy E. Pugh.  All rights reserved.  Please contact for rights to use photos.


