Punta Rassa, Lee County, FL 1/31/25
Yellow-crowned Night Heron |
Common Starling |
Another Common Starling in nest in dead palm tree |
Same Common Starling |
Osprey |
Boat-tailed Grackles |
Fig tree |
Boat with crane |
Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel, Lee County, FL 1/30/25
White Pelicans, adults and juvies |
White Pelicans |
White Ibis |
Another White Ibis |
White Ibises and a Little Blue Heron |
Snowy Egret |
Same Snowy Egret |
Roseate Spoonbill |
Another Roseate Spoonbill |
Reddish Egret |
Reddish Egret |
Osprey |
Mullets |
Green Heron |
Same Green Heron |
Fig Tree branch (trunk?) |
Fig Tree trunk and branch |
Double-crested Cormorants |
Maturing Double-crested Cormorant |
Punta Rassa, Lee County, FL 1/30/25
Yellow-crowned Night Heron |
Willet |
Underwing (Catocala genus) |
Sunset |
Seaweed |
More seaweed |
Sea Hibiscus (H. tiliaceus) |
Male Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Osprey |
Same Osprey |
Male Northern Cardinal |
Bottlebrush |
Durham, NC 1/27/25
American Robin |
China Paper Bush |
Durham, NC 1/25/25
Gall midge |
Same gall midge |
Song Sparrow |
Tufted Titmouse |
Same Tufted Titmouse |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Song Sparrow |
Dark-eyed Junco |
Durham, NC 1/23/25
American Robin |
Killdeer |
Carolina Wren |
Same Carolina Wren |
Local snowman |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Same Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Durham, NC 1/22/25
Snow |
More snow |
Juvie American Goldfinch |
Same juvie American goldfinch, newly landed in Sycamore |
Same juvie American goldfinch |
Same juvie American goldfinch, with a piece from Sycamore |
Same juvie American goldfinch, taking a bite |
Same juvie American goldfinch, just looking |
Durham, NC 1/19/25
Antmimic jumping spider (Synemosyna formica) |
Springtail (Tomocerus genus) |
Dwarf spider |
Gall midge |
Barklouse |
Jumping spider (Hentzia genus) |
Running crab spider |
Durham, NC 1/18/25
Seed shrimp |
Another seed shrimp |
Yet another seed shrimp |
Globular springtail |
Same globular springtail |
Springtail (Onychiuridae family) |
Elongate springtail (Isotoma arctica) |
Maybe salamander eggs |
Durham, NC 1/17/25
Tufted Titmouse |
Scat of a large herbivore, most likely a White-tailed Deer |
Durham, NC 1/16/25
Sunset (actually 1/14/25) |
Moonset |
Durham, NC 1/13/25
White-throated Sparrow |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Same ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Hermit Thrush |
American Goldfinch |
Female Eastern Bluebird |
Graffiti in our neighborhood |
Durham, NC 1/11/25
Our window, after rare snow |
White-tailed Deer |
Another White-tailed Deer |
Song Sparrow |
Another Song Sparrow |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe |
Killdeer |
Male Northern Cardinal |
Male Northern Cardinal |
Durham, NC 1/8/25
White-throated Sparrow |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Killdeer |
Another Killdeer |
Killdeer, perhaps with horsehair worm |
Another Killdeer |
Same Killdeer |
Ice |
More ice |
Ice, close up |
Carolina Wren |
Same Carolina Wren |
Same Carolina Wren |
Durham, NC 1/7/24
Male Eastern Bluebird |
Another male Eastern Bluebird |
Song Sparrow |
Turkey Vulture |
Moon |
Duckweed |
Dark-eyed Juncos |
Durham, NC 1/1/25
Arabesque Orb Weaver |
Jumping spider (Hentzia genus) |
Dwarf spider |
Mourning Dove |
Song Sparrow |
Song Sparrow |
Mourning Dove |
Common Dandelion |
Persian Speedwell |
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